
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 05:42:42


Hope you've gone sleeping. So busy you are recenly as an actor. Why the blog always been update during the midnight? You should have more rest, and eat more food. Having left merely 3 months, you are now as thin as a slim monkey, not as cute as before. Tomorrow, come on!

May you be sleeping. Recently you are working hard. Why does your blog being renewed at wee hours? Pay more attantion to your rest and food.

I wish you had slept. Really worked hard recently (a actor). Why are the blog all newer before dawn? You must be just all right to having a rest. Should have a meal more, it has become monkeys that it is thin in month to take three. Non- lovely!
Tomorrow, Come on.